Thursday, July 29, 2010

Benefits for living in a small town

Living in a small town for sure has its benefits.

McCook: When I needed my new stickers ( from the DMV) for the jeep, I just call them up, give them my visa number and they mail me the new ones. Then we chat for a few minutes about the weather out here in CO and how life is going.

Colorado Springs: You plan to spend at least 2 hours at the DMV, you walk in to a room packed full and not enough chairs and the one chair that is empty is by a guy who reaks of smoke. You pick a ticket with a number and wait, wait, wait and wait some more for them to call your number.

McCook: ** before online banking was big** I would call up my bank, shoot the breeze about what is happening around town, then ask them to transfer $ from my savings account to my checking account.

Colorado Springs: I have avoided the banks here, and keep everything back home for that reason above....

McCook: Pulling up to the drive thru to get a coffee for my sis in law and a smoothie for me. The person behind the window: ( usually a HS friend) "Hi Heather, are you back for a visit?" Me, "yep." Window girl..." good to see ya again, do you need anything else today or the same?" Me, "the same would be great"

Colorado Springs: There is no window girl, you sit for 15 minutes in line for a speaker to ask what you want.

McCook: You plan an extra half hour in Wal-Mart b/c you know you will see someone and you'll find yourself chatting in the frozen food section.

Colorado Springs: You get in and you get out! You avoid the ghetto Wal-Mart at all cost!

hummmmm, do you see a pattern here about small town friendliness? :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

wow its been a while

When I logged on here tonight, I looked at the date of my last entry and it has been well over a month..... sorry. But so much has happened in the past month, I am not even sure where to begin.
How about with.......... my dad has cancer and it is not good the dr's are saying its terminal..... so hows that for an open entry?
To those of you who I have already talked to... thanks for your continued support. It will be a long road, but its just another thing that has been thrown at my family. It seems were used to things like that happening, we just cant catch a break. I will try to post here on how things are going, but in the mean time if you can remember us in your prayers that would be great. thanks