We talked for a bit about how they are living a "new normal", the rest of the kids, their summer plans etc...During their daughters illness, I had spent numerous hours with this family and they are very spiritual people and know I have a strong faith behind me as well. So today, at the end of our conversation they once again thanked me, told me they were praying for me and asked that I continue to pray for them as well, and we hugged and I walked away.
Prayer is so important. It has always been in my personal life and I try to be sensitive about praying for others.
There is nothing worse than telling someone you will pray for them and then forget to do it. Prayer doesn’t have to be a long drawn out address to God. All we have to do is lift the name up to God. He already knows the situation.
As Christians we need to pray for each other. I must confess that I have not always been diligent to pray for requests that have been forwarded numerous times via e-mail. I have no excuses! Although, I seem to find one when it comes right down to it, I am ashamed of myself for that and I plan to make a conscious effort to do better in praying for those requests.
If it was my name being sent for prayer it would be important to me.
A former youth pastor growing up once said to me......Take time to pray for others. Who knows? You may be praying for a friend that you will never meet until you get to heaven. How true....
wow...what a great reminder! Please pray for me about work, it was really hard for me yesterday. What can I pray for friend?