19 Years ago today, my grandma Pat went to be with Jesus. She is so greatly missed. I learned a lot from her, especially how to cook :) One of the first things she taught me how to make was rice crispy treats.. still one of my favorites to this day. Every year for our birthdays Grandma would make our favorite meal and we would all sit around the table and eat and share stories. Oh how she is missed and how I cant wait to someday meet up with her in Heaven and "catch up". For now, I know she is watching out for me.
Grandma, Please watch out for my dear friend Sammie who today will be joining you in Heaven. I know she is scared and is afraid to leave her mom and dad. Please welcome her with open arms.
Love and miss you more than you know,
to visit Sammie please visit her webpage
I can't wait to see a few people in heaven too. I will pray for sweet Jesus to come and comfort sweet Sammie so she is not so afraid.