It's sad to say that another year in Aspen has come to an end. It was a great year for everyone, we all leave with new friends, a few with bruises, and a couple of us leave with a broken arm or leg. Non the less, memories that will last a lifetime. This week was challenging for us as we watched one of the most amazing past Shining Stars get life flighted back to Denver as I had mentioned before. He is holding his own, he will have a long recovery ahead of him, we need to remember him in our prayers. At the beginning of the week, the medical staff was not sure about a few of the kids that had been selected to come. One of them was unfortunately over weight, on 4 liters of oxygen and has a medical disorder in which he gets blood clots easily and they break off and travel thru his body. You can imagine what our fear was.... but we tried to get him involved as much as we could, buy taking him to the top of the mountain, getting him on the dance floor at disco night, and helping him to cross the finish line on race day. He was the Shining Star that had us all in tears the last night as he thanked us for making this week the best of his entire life, and for giving him the chance to do things no one has ever before. Seeing the smile on his face that was constant all week, watching the tears roll down his face as he crossed the finish line......that my friends made this one of the best weeks of my life as well. I am working on getting the pictures all scanned in and creating a video to post, but for now I will post a few pictures from the week.
Looks like you had a great time! Blog looks good! Thanks for the b-day card! Miss talking to you!