Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ASPEN update number 2!

Well friends,
HAPPY St. Patty's day! We are all decked out in green here in Aspen and enjoying every minute of it, today we got to go snowmobiling through the wonderful mountains. I have to say that I am really hoping these kids go to bed soon, so I can get some good rest tonight.
The trip has been great thus far, we did have a really bad accident with one of our kids. He hit a bad spot on the half pipe and landed on his head, he was life flighted back to Denver for the best care that he can get. The update this morning is not good for this young man. There were lots of kids here that saw the accident and are really scared to continue to ski/board the rest of the week. This shining star's name is Matt, all the prayers you can send his way would be greatly appreciated.
I have not been able to get any pictures posted from Aspen on here, but I will try, if not when I am back in Springs for sure.
Good night friends


  1. Glad to hear you are having a good time. That's sad about that kid Matt. Is he one of the cancer kids too? Double Whammy!!! Life can be really unfair. Can't wait to talk to you and hear all about your trip when you get home.

  2. So sad about that boy...hope he gets better!
